Easter Egg
Together Everyone Achieves More

Welcome to Nevill Road Junior School

Key To Learning

We Aim High by challenging ourselves in all aspects of school life.

We are Successful learners by using our growth mind set to achieve.

We Persevere by being resilient and trying our best in everything we do.

We use our Imagination to produce creative work that we can be proud of.

We show Respect by including everyone and making sure we all matter.

We show Enthusiasm by approaching all learning with a positive attitude.

Thank you for visiting our website. Nevill Road Junior School is a nurturing and inclusive 3 form entry school in Bramhall, where all pupils are welcomed, valued and supported. Due to the special relationships that we develop between children and families, the school has a unique 'family feel' where individuality is respected and celebrated.

We are delighted to have recebtly been awarded the National Wellbeing Gold Award. Our RAW Wellbeing Coach shared:

It has been an absolute honour and privilege to hear about the developments that all staff have been doing during this past year to create a safe space for children to experience positive mental health and wellbeing. I have been inspired by the dedication and passion of the staff team at the school and am hopeful for the future of the children that experience an enriching learning experience. Thank you, Judi, for your leadership in the school and supporting parents and carers working in partnership in promoting the wellbeing of children.

Our Ofsted report (July 2023) also reflects our wonderful school community that continues to be a good school in all areas. Here are some of the many highlights!

'Each day is active and busy for pupils at Nevill Road Junior School. Pupils arrive at school happy to learn. They said that their teachers make learning interesting.'

'Leaders have high expectations for all pupils in all that they do. Pupils benefit from a well-thought-out curriculum which captures their interests and supports them to remember key knowledge in many subjects. Consequently, pupils are prepared well for the next
stage of their education.'

'Pupils play well together. Skilled staff support pupils to resolve any falling-out quickly, for example through restorative conversations. Leaders are quick to deal with any incidents of bullying. This helps pupils to feel safe.'

'Pupils experience a wide range of extra-curricular activities, which help to develop their physical, creative and academic talents.'

'Leaders are vigilant when identifying the additional needs of pupils with SEND. Teachers are furnished with detailed information and training, which helps them to support pupils with SEND effectively. Teachers are skilful at making appropriate adaptations to the
delivery of the curriculum for these pupils. Leaders work well with outside agencies, when required, to make sure that pupils with SEND receive the extra support that they need.'

To read the report in full please follow the link: https://reports.ofsted.gov.uk/provider/21/106063

What our Parents say about us...

"We have been so pleased with our child's progress this year and have noticed huge developments in his reading and his confidence in maths. We would like to thank his teacher for his kindness and dedication."

"Thank you to Nevill Road and all the staff. Our child has had a great time at the school and we are really proud of the wonderful young lady she is becoming."

"I will be forever grateful for my child coming back to Nevill Road. I am so proud of how she has developed both academically and as a person."

"Thank you for all the love, care and dedication that you put into teaching our child. We love you all! We are beyond grateful for your guidance and support."

"A huge thank you to all the staff who have ensured that our child has had such a wonderful year; socially, emotionally and academically. She loves coming into school each day to learn and enjoyes making the most of the huge range of experiences she gets to take part in."

"Our child has really enjoyed his time at Nevill Road. He has formed some wonderful friendships and had a nurturing, supportive and encouraging space in which to grow. Thank you all so much."

We are extremely proud of the PE and Sports awards that we have won, including the Stockport Schools Award for commitment to PE and Sport and the Innovation Lockdown Award. Nevill Road Juniors was also nominated for the Greater Manchester School of the Year award in 2018 and has achieved the School Games Gold award for five years in a row. We are delighted to announce that we have also gained the prostigeous award of the afPE Quality Mark 2023 - 2026

The transition from the Infant school to the Junior school is carefully managed and planned. Both schools view children's mental health and wellbeing as a priority, which is highlighted through our weekly 'My Happy Mind' sessions and inclusive approach to ensure that all children recieve the quality of education they deserve.

It is an absolute pleasure to lead this exciting and creative school. Tours are welcomed throughout the year and we encourage new Reception parents to visit the Junior school as well as the Infant school, in order to experience the complete learning journey from Reception to Year 6.

Mrs Judi Cliff


To find out more about Nevill Road Juniors,  follow us on Twitter @NRJuniors

Please note our school day is 8.50am - 3.20pm, wrap around care from 7.30am - 6.00pm.

Our breakfast / after school club provider is Little Brown Bears and can be booked through www.nevillroadinfant.magicbooking.co.uk 0161 439 4817


Together Everyone Achieves More

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Please leave your name and email below along with your message. Thank you

Contact Us

Nevill Road Junior School, Nevill Road, Bramhall, Stockport, SK7 3ET

School Games Platinum Award: 2023-2024-2024-2025
School Games Gold
School Games Virtual
School Games Gold Award: 2022-2023
Stockport Showcase School 20217-2018
association for physical education. Quailty Mark 2023-2026. Physical Education, school sport & physical activity.

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