Nick Kokkinis (Co-opted Governor, Chair of the Full Governing Body, Chair of the Resources Commitee) I am passionate about education and believe every child, irrespective of race, creed or social background, should receive high quality education that meets their needs. Trained, skilled and motivated staff should provide that high quality education. I believe I can make a contribution to a successful school that delivers that high quality education for children. I live locally and am pleased to work on behalf of our school.
Term of Office 19/1/2021 - 18/1/2025
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Judi Cliff (Headteacher)
I am a member of the Governing Body in my capacity as Headteacher and I attend all the committee meetings. I am passionate about making a difference to children's lives and ensure that all children at Nevill Road Juniors have the quality of education that they deserve. I have worked in education for many years across three different local authorities, with a variety of roles and responsibilites. I have been a Senior Leader for the vast majority of my career and have been a Governor at two other schools. It is an absolute previlidge to be the Headteacher at Nevill Road Junior School and to be a part of our vibrant and inclusive community.
Term of Office 1/9/2017 - present
Nicola Jordan (Deputy Headteacher) Staff Governor
Term of Office 17/11/2019 - 16/11/2023
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Yomna Gharib (Co-opted Governor) |
I joined Nevill Road Junior School in December 2023. I have a deep interest in education and have previously been a teacher before working across various education charities to improve outcomes for all pupils, regardless of background. It is a privilege to serve on the governing body of the Nevill Road Junior School and to be given the opportunity to contribute to the school community.
Term of Office 01/09/2023 - 02/09/2026
Sara Geramipoor (Co-opted Governor)
I was appointed to the Board of Governors of Nevill Road Junior School in 2022 as an Associate member before being assuming a Co-opted Governor role. I read law at King’s College London before qualifying as a solicitor. I specialise in commercial law and risk management and have experience working for international law firms and two Big Four professional service firms. In my view the quality of the education and pastoral care offered by schools plays a critical role in a child’s development. I am pleased to be working with Nevill Road and contributing to the success of the next generation.
Term of Office 06/07/2022 - 05/07/2026
Ben Pinnock (Co-opted Governor)
I joined Nevill Road Juniors in December 2021, sitting on the curriculum and standards committee in addition to being a maths governor. With my own children starting primary education soon, I am aware how parents and guardians rely on schools to deliver education to a high standard. It is clear that Nevill Road benefits from a strong leadership team and I hope to work with the governing board to maintain an effective level of support
Term of Office 01/12/2021 - 30/11/2025
Rita Hesford (Co-opted Governor, Development Governor, Member of the Steering Group and Resources Sub Committee) Having worked in both secondary and higher education for 40 years, I am pleased to be able to share my experience as a school governor. My area of expertise is Physical Education, Sport and Physical Activity and I have a special interest in the impact of the 'Physical Education and School Sport Premium'. I am currently the Development Governor and PE and Sport Link Governor.
Term of Office 19/1/2021 - 18/1/2025
Jennie Harrop (Co-opted Governor, Vice Chair of the Full Governing Body, Chair of the Curriculum and Standards Committee, Communication, Language and Literacy Governor)
I became a parent governor to support the school and contribute to the Nevill Road community. I have a keen interest in education and am an active parent volunteer at our school which i find very rewarding.
Term of Office 01/02/2022 -31/01/2026
Relevant business and pecuniary interests have been recorded.
Meeta Tallow (Parent Governor)
I joined as parent-govenor in March 2022, my background in operational, project management and leadership roles had been successful through good governance. An active parent body coupled with a strong leadership team provides a great foundation for the children of Nevill road. It is my honour, privilege, and joy to be able to volunteer my services to benefit the children and staff in their diverse discovery of learning and be a critical friend to the school.
Term of Office 14/03/2022 - 13/03/2026