Year 6 2024 - 2025
Mr Baguley
Mrs Humphreys
Miss Brown
Welcome to the Year 6 area on our website.This page is to provide you with information about the Year 6 curriculum, upcoming events and to celebrate Year 6 work.
Our Curriculum in Year 6:
Science: Animals and their habitats, Evolution and Inheritance, Light, Electricity
History: What was so Magnificent about the Mayas? What was the impact of wars on Britain?
Geography: What’s so special about South America? Fieldwork Week-Conway Centre Mapwork skills
Art: Painting/Collage Frida Kahlo, Drawing LS Lowry, Sculpture/printing
DT: Structures Christmas Box, Nutrition and Cookery Savoury dishes from VE Day
Computing: Programming, Make and Control a carnival float using programming, Computing systems and networks -
Communication - Creating media - Web page creation, Programming - Variables in games, Data and information - Spreadsheets
Creating media - 3D modelling, Programming - Sensing
PSHE: Relationships, Living in the wider world, Health and well being
RE: What do religions say to us when life gets hard? Is it better to express your religion in arts and architecture or in charity and
generosity? What matters most to Christians and to Humanists? What difference does it make to believe in Ahimsa (harmlessness),
Grace (the generosity of God), and Ummah (community)
PE: Lacrosse, Gymnastics, Tag Rugby, Dance, OAA, Tennis Striking and Fielding, Athletics
Music: Happy, Happy You’ve Got a Friend, WW2 music, BBC 10 pieces Heitor Villa Lobos, End of year production
French: Let’s visit a French town, Let’s Go shopping,This is France All in a Day
Visits 2022 - 2023: Dr Davies Mayan Workshop, Romiley Theatre Pantomime, Stockport Air raid Shelters, Conway residential
Visits 2023 - 2024: Dr Davies Mayan Workshop, Stockport Plaza - Adam Kay, Chester Zoo, Stockport Air raid Shelters, Conway residential.
It has been Enterprise Week and Year 6 have enjoyed making bookmarks in order to raise funds for our new library area.
What was the impact of War in Britain? Year 6 have been investigating their enquiry question and gaining new knowledge through using primary sources found at the Stockport Air Raid Shelters and Staircase House museum.
The children have loved their bikeability sessions, where they have learnt about how to cycle safely.
Files to Download
Year 6: News items
Newsletter 07.03.25, by Mrs Hopkins
Newsletter 28.02.25, by Mrs Hopkins
PTA Newsletter January 2025, by Mrs Hopkins