Covid 19 Information and Remote Learning Offer
Please see information with regards to Covid 19 guidance. This page also outlines our remote learning package as well as information about how the Catch Up funding has been used to benefit our children.
To support our children’s return to school we have put in place our Recovery Curriculum. Here are our key Priorities:
To support children’s physical and mental wellbeing through:
Daily circles to encourage children to share their experiences of lock down and feel listened to.
Mindfulness activities that help children to feel calm and relaxed.
Physical activities using the outdoor space, including PE, sport and orienteering.
Additional pastoral support using resources and strategies developed as part of the Mentally Healthy Schools project.
Helping the children to understand what is different about school and how to adjust to the changes.
Working with external agencies including BSS, Young Carers and HYMS.
To rebuild relationships within the school community through:
Whole school ‘Path of Hope’ project to rebuild our Nevill Road Community.
Additional opportunities for children to play with their friends to encourage social interaction.
Restorative approaches to rebuild and maintain friendships.
Teaching RSE as well as regular PSHE lessons.
Providing opportunities for parents and carers to feel involved in school life through the weekly newsletter, website and twitter feed. Rebuilding the staff team and making links with the Infant School.
To support children’s learning through:
Allowing the children to lead their own learning by following their interests and encouraging them to ask questions.
Revisiting key skills in core subjects based on children’s individual needs.
Providing catch up programmes to address gaps in learning particularly for disadvantaged, SEND and vulnerable pupils.
Teaching a broad and ambitious curriculum that includes a wide range of subjects.
Using a range of assessment activities and a flexible approach to filling gaps.
Encourage children to read widely to develop their knowledge and vocabulary.
Work with external agencies including LSS, SALT and Inclusion.
To ensure pupils, staff and the community are kept safe through:
Co-constructing a risk assessment that has been communicated to all.
Creating a Home School Agreement to ensure joint responsibility is taken to keep the community safe.
Teaching the children how to wash their hands thoroughly and socially distance from adults.
Supporting children with complex needs by collaborating with parents and external agencies.
Implementing the revised Covid 19 Safeguarding Annex
Implementing the revised Covid 19 Bee Rules (Behaviour Policy)
Ensuring daily cleaning routines are in place.