
Transition is a very important part of school life at Nevill Road. We aim to not lose any of the qualities of a Primary School but offer the children a more focused experience in each school with a Headteacher who is solely responsible for getting the beginning of the journey right in the Infant School and a Headteacher who can develop this journey in the Junior School.

With this in mind, Transition within and between the schools is prominent throughout the school but most significantly in the Summer Term with staff within the Infants and the Junior Schools working closely together. Children also have a transition week where they get a chance to spend time in their new classes and have a tour of the school.

Parents are also welcomed to a series of events led by Mrs Cliff in order for them to ask questions and find out more about the Junior School. We also work closely with parents and the school SEND leaders, to tailor the transition process to any specific need that a child may have.

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