At Nevill Road Junior School we value every child as an individual and recognise that all children, whatever their academic ability, can achieve and be successful. We are committed to providing an environment for learning for each pupil and fully inclusive teaching for all. We have an inclusive policy and aim to help all children to gain access to a broad and balanced curriculum and to reach their full potential. We encourage in all members of our school, a code of positive behaviour, which promotes consideration for a tolerance of the needs of others (see Behaviour Policy). We believe that every child should feel able to make a valued contribution to school life in order that self-esteem can develop. We aim to build each child’s self-esteem using a positive approach, while ensuring the setting of realistic, achievable goals which are closely monitored and reviewed. We respect the fact that children:

ï‚· have different educational and behavioural needs and aspirations;

ï‚· require a range of strategies to facilitate learning;

ï‚· acquire, assimilate and communicate information at different rates;

ï‚· need a range of adaptive teaching approaches and experiences.

Local offer

Since 2014, all Local Authorities must publish, in one place, information about provision they expect to be available in their area for children and young people from 0 to 25 years of age who have Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities. This is called the Local Offer.

The Local Offer must include both local provision and provision outside the area that the local authority expects is likely to be used by children and young people with Special Educational Needs and /or Disabilities for whom they are responsible.

The Local Offer has two key purposes:

To provide clear, comprehensive and accessible information about the support and opportunities available.
To make provision more responsive to local needs and aspirations by directly involving children and young people with SEND, parents and carers, and service providers.

The Local Offer forms a significant part of the new SEN Code of Practice and focusses on statutory duties for local authorities. The Local Offer is what goes on every day to support children and young people with SEN and how we ensure quality around this. This includes what we expect to be available in schools, colleges and other educational provision.

This Statement sets out, the responsibilities of the school, Governors and the Local Authority for meeting the needs of pupils and their parents/carers who have been identified as having Special Educational/Needs and Disabilities (SEND).

By law, the Local Authority has to publish the arrangements for children with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities and further details are available in the Local Authority Local Offer. All school receive funding in their budget to allow them to provide for pupils with SEN, and have the freedom to make the necessary arrangements using existing staff, or look for advice and support from outside the school. When a child has a special need, the school and its Governing body is required to fulfil the requirements set out in the Children and Families Bill 2014.

Stockport's local offer can be found on the following website:

Here are the types of things we do to support all of our children with additional needs as well as targeted types of support that we are able to provide in relation to specific areas of SEND. The information is general; each child is an individual and will receive unique provision and resources where necessary.

If you would like further information about the support that Nevill Road Juniors can offer, please contact our SENCo, Mrs Boon, by email or phone on 0161 439 4598

Entitlement Framework

Stockport Local Authority has worked with parents, early years settings, schools and a range of professional to develop Stockport's Entitlement Framework. This document helps teachers and school leaders improve how they support children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities and helps parents understand how the needs of their children should be met. This document was launched with school; and early years settings in September 2019 and was updated in November 2020.  You can view this document in the download section below. 

Our offer

Our vision statement is the back drop for all we do in school, including our work with our pupils with additional learning needs. The SEND Information report document gives families information about the variety of ways we ensure we support our children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) to achieve their potential. We provide a full range of educational and pastoral support to all of our pupils and those with SEND make very good progress. The information here is general; each child is an individual and will receive unique provision and resources where necessary.

There are a number of reasons why a child may be identified as having SEND:

  • They are having significant difficulty with their learning and making far less progress than would be expected.
  • They have a specific learning difficulty, for example dyslexia.
  • They have emotional or mental health difficulties.
  • They have difficulties with social communication and interaction.
  • They have sensory and/or physical needs, for example visual impairment.

What kinds of Special Educational Needs (SEN) does the school provide for?

At Nevill Road Junior School, we provide for children of varying needs. This is done through a number of methods depending on the children’s needs. A child is classed as having special educational needs if he or she has learning difficulties that call for special educational provision to be made. We have experience of supporting children with a wide range of SEND needs including:

  • Communication and interaction
  • Cognition and Learning
  • Social, Mental and Emotional Health
  • Sensory and/or Physical

SEND documents

Please see the attachments: SEND policy, SEND information report and our Accessibility plan

Provision and support

  • Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO) at Nevill Road Junior School

Mrs Boon will oversee the support your child receives by: providing professional support for teachers and support staff in the school, so they can help your child achieve the best possible progress in school. This may involve the use of additional adults, outside specialist help and specially planned work and resources. Also by liaising with other people who may be coming into school to help support your child's learning e.g. Speech and Language Therapist, Educational Psychologist etc. - please ring the school office 0161 439 4598 to arrange an appointment to meet Mrs Topham if you require any additional support.

We also support children and families through termly SEND support meetings where all parents and carers are invited to be involved in the process. Children contribute by having the opportunity to fill in their one page profile with a trusted member of staff. Parents are also invited to our termly SEND forums where a variety of subjects are discussed such as transition and the curriculum.

Each subject leader has created a subject pyramid for their area of learning which details the strategies and adaptations that may be used to make learning accessible for all, whist maintaining the highest expecatiations and outcomes for all children. Please see these below. 

SEND Governor

The SEND Governor, Mr Nick Kokkinis is the appointed Governor that communicates any SEND updates and information to the Governing Body. The SEND Governor spends time in school with the SENCO discussing current information about SEND children and their provision. The Governor may also support the SENCO with some monitoring tasks that are carried out in school regularly in order to ensure the best quality support is in place for SEND children.

The Governing body are involved with the SEND provision, as they are with all other elements of school life. It is part of their role to look at provision that is in place, and support the SENCO in decisions about SEND provision across school. They look annually at data/reports about the performance of SEND children, and strive for the best education for all children, including those with SEND. Members of the Governing body will, at times, visit school to look more closely at initiatives that are in place to support SEND children, alongside other children.





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