PSHE and RSE at Nevill Road Junior School

Our PSHE Intent:

At Nevill Road Junior School, we believe that PSHE gives children the knowledge, skills and understanding they need to lead confident, healthy, independent lives and to become informed, active and responsible citizens. We recognise that social and emotional well-being plays a fundamental and central part in the life of our school and is key to effective learning and achievement.   We have the same high expectations for all learners, including those with SEND in PSHE.  The attached provision map shows what PSHE looks like for all leaners at Nevill Road Junior School.

PSHE at Nevill Road Junior School makes a significant contribution to the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of the children as well as their behaviour, safety and well-being.  This is underpinned by our school’s investment in Restorative Approaches - we use Restorative Approaches and Practices to build, maintain and repair relationships positively within the whole school community. 

Aims of the PSHE Curriculum:

  • To help children develop healthy lifestyles, manage risk and understand change.
  • To help pupil to explore, clarify and if necessary challenge, their own and other people’s values and attitudes.
  • To ensure pupils develop respect and consideration for the cultures and beliefs of others
  • To encourage pupils to be responsible, be respectful, be ready for the challenges ahead of them and to be safe (online and offline) both now and in the future.
  • To help children form positive relationships, resolve conflict and to co-operate with others
  • To help pupils to understand the wider world, their responsibilities as moral citizens and their responsibilities towards the environment 
  • To provide a safe, secure and stimulating environment in which pupils are happy and enjoy learning
  • To teach children appropriate vocabulary so they can articulate and ask questions about personal, social, economic and health issues

This is done though our ASPIRE to ACHIEVE curriculum, which consists of six keys to learning - Aiming High, Success, Persevere, Imagination, Respect and Enthusiasm.  

Aims specific to the Sex Education curriculum are set out in the school Sex Education policy.


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